Sunday 18 August 2013

Siri responses to Loebner Prize questions

This is great: How Siri responds to the same questions given to chatbots for 2013 Loebner Prize. There is also a link for responses from the actual submissions.

Thursday 20 June 2013

And... I got the motor to spin and the light to dim in response to the amount of light falling on the sensor. Reminded me of my undergraduate days, but we used to have to solder a lot more. Nottingham Hackspace is worth a visit with open days every Wednesday.
It was fantastic to attend the Arduino workshop at Nottingham Hackspace. Fun, informative, inspiring!

Thursday 28 June 2012

What an interesting day at the Perspectives on the Material World conference. So far it looks like commercialisation of art, sex, chocolate, death and tricksters make a good mix.

Monday 25 June 2012

Poster for the 'Perspectives on the Material World' conference

Preparing for NTU Research Conference

Preparing for the NTU research conference 'Perspectives on the Material World'. The plan was to deliver a poster presentation, conference paper, an art installation, a workshop with card sorting and chair the 'Art Practices and Engagement' slot.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

NTU research conference 28th June 'Perspectives on the Material World'

Preparing now for the annual NTU research conference 'Perspectives on the Material World' on 28th of June. Preparing an installation, a presentation and maybe something a bit unusual and special. Anyone up for playing cards?