Tuesday 21 June 2011


The transfer event seems to have gone smoothly. Although it is such a strange process.

Thursday 2 June 2011

'Immortal' in London 2nd of June

'Its is within... tension filled liminal spaces of physical and virtual interface that opportunities arise for new experimental forms and practices.' (Broadhurst, 2007 p.69)

Wednesday 1 June 2011

'Immortal' in London 2nd of June

The concept and the title of the project have been inspired by Borges' short story by the same title, recounting a journey of a protagonist who attempts to find immortality. He finds a society that due to their immortality have a very complicated and contradictory relationship with their bodies, both being absent about physical hardship yet nourished by pleasure..
The project consists of two projected cubes and a performer who constantly attempts to re-align her digital selves only to see them jumbled up again.

From 'Digital Practices. Aesthetic and Neuroesthetic Approaches to Performance and Technology'

'Significant questions relate to the use of sophisticated technologies within contemporary art and performance practices. Since, as i have argued elsewhere, language without the body does not 'mean' at all, as corporeality provides language with meaning under sociocultural and thus temporal constraints (Broadhurst 1999b, 17), what then are the implications for a virtual body? Therefore my overall question is: as digital technologies are becoming increasingly prominent in art practices, does the resultant physical/virtual interface give rise to a new aesthetics? What are the theoretical and practical implications of this?' (Broadhurst, 2007 p. 1)

Show in London

The new collaborative installation/performance 'Immortal' will be exhibited at the Wayward gallery in London on the 2nd of June. The project is a collaboration with Wrap3. The preparation has not been easy considering the busy work period this time of the year is. Several trips over to Bristol to film, re-film and rehearse.